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There were two significant periods of time in my life that stand out in leading me into the Exercise Sports Science Management field.  These significant periods of time were first when I was the director and creator of the Mount Wachusett Community College Fitness and Wellness Center’s Multi-Sport Team.  Second was when I was the manager and one of the head coaches of the Optimum Performance indoor cycling training center.  These two professional responsibilities taught me several important lessons and values.  They taught me the joy of inspiring and motivating others, how to step outside of my comfort zone, to never give up, work hard, and to think outside of the box.


In 2009, I created and became the director of the MWCC Multi-Sport Team.  It consisted of 60 adults of all ages and abilities who wanted to partake in multi-sport events.  The slogan of our team was passion, comradery, and living healthy lifestyles.  Here, I learned how to motivate and inspire others to believe in themselves and not give up.  I learned how wonderful it feels to help someone reach their goals without receiving anything back in return.  I donated my time and designed training plans to help coach beginners how to finish their first triathlon, gave talks and seminars about multi-sport events and training.  Furthermore, I helped design and run several sprint triathlons where I aided in everything to put on and host the triathlons.  Through my work here I learned the value of hard work, as well as inspiring, motivating and helping others.







The second significant period in my life time was when I was the manager and a head coach of the Optimum Performance indoor cycling training center.  Here, I learned how to step outside of my comfort zone.  Despite having anxiety and being very nervous, I coached my first class and it was a success.  I fell in love with coaching classes, motivating and inspiring others and ended up coaching five plus classes a week.  I became the manager of Optimum Performance and grew it into a successful cycling training center.  As part of its growth, I had to think outside of the box on ways to promote it as there was not a lot of money available to spend.  I did so by taking advantage of advertising on social media with Facebook and Instagram. 

Click here to view an Optimum Performance cycling class video


My love and passion in managing and coaching, first at the MWCC Multi-Sport Team and second at Optimum Performance led me to starting my own triathlon coaching company in 2015 called VIP Tri-Training.  I will continue to take this great knowledge and experience with me to my future career in the Exercise Sports Science Management field.  I will inspire and motivate others, step outside of my comfort zone, never give up, believe in myself, work hard, and think outside of the box.  There will be numerous situations where I will have to utilize these skills in order to run a successful multi-sport event and/or company. 

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